Summer Shape Up- Three Exercises You Need To Do Now!

July 7, 2015

Summer is in full swing, and it’s not too late to shape up! There are three exercises you need to do now!

Every #WorkoutWednesday I post a new easy to do at home exercise on social media (with the help of my trainer Geri Ainbinder). I’ve learned (and posted) so many moves, but for some reason I never know which ones to do on my gym days off!


So, today I asked Geri to pick the three must-dos to get me, and all of you, in summer shape– no gym membership necessary!

She says these three exercises best hit those target beach body areas: glutes & legs, arms and abs!

Do all three exercises, three sets of 15 reps every day.

Burn, tone, repeat! And don’t forget to add some cardio!

1. To get that Bikini Butt & Lean Legs– Lunge!

To make it even more intense, Geri says to hold a weighted object.

2. To get Awesome Arms- try Tricep Push-ups!

Instead of telling your little kids to get off your back, Geri says, tell them to get on! As long as you have a good back, the extra weight will add intensity.

3. Abs-olutely try this to get a Tight Tummy!

For more definition, Geri says to use a heavier ball.

Check in tomorrow & every #WorkOutWednesday on Instagram (@ElisaDiStefanoTV) and Twitter (@ElisaDiStefano) for new exercise ideas!